Hi Lads.
Obliv sent me this direction to join your scrimage. So I'll fill in some information.
I've recently began playing Dod again after 3years in absence from the game.
I've played Comp before, I used to play for -War- and BM (Bush Masters) back in the day.
I'm best at Rifle, with a stroung heavy background as well.
I'am currently a TOG member. And have been for 5 years.
I've been playing TF2 since release, and was the Division Captian for those years.
I've found my WW2 bug again, and enjoy the small dod community.
So with any luck I'll head over and join you soon in up coming matches if you see fit :)
Currently playing under TOG | Awe$oMe
But have been known to play under some other alias (when i don't with to be bothered)